When disaster strikes, it hits the whole community. But hope rebuilds one family at a time through personalized planning and care. Find out what’s possible, After the Storm.
"Gaylord lacked nonprofit capacity before the tornado hit. I knew our community would rally. But what kept me up at night was the lack of case management.Who would help the survivors? After the Storm is an answer to prayer and important piece of the recovery puzzle."
Dana BensingerCEO - Otsego Community Foundation 
"We have such gratitude to be involved in such impactful work. After the Storm gives us all a chance to grow as a community and do our best to be there for each other."
After the Storm Outreach TeamMetro Detroit Flood Recovery Project 
"Case managing here in Detroit, you realize people are used to dealing with disasters every day. I’m very proud to be a part of the solution. To have someone on your side that you can trust and be transparent with, there is no better feeling."
Terrell BrownDisaster Case Manager